Counselor's Corner

January 2025

Why Try Lessons

Motivation Formula: Our December Why Try lessons were on the Motivation Formula.

Life is full of challenges. We learned 4 strategies that can help us through difficult times.

* Positive self- talk (K-2 focus). Our minds are powerful!

* Service - Look for ways to help someone else.

* Spend time engaged in your hobbies or interests.

* Find your crew. Reach out to others for help.

Climbing Out: The Climbing Out lessons for January are about peer pressure. When we

gain an awareness of how others can influence us in positive and negative ways, we will

be prepared to avoid negative behaviors and their consequences. K-2 students will

focus on being kind and recognizing kindness in others.

Notes: I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday break! I am happy to have students back at

school! This month, we will have College and Career Week. We will learn about various

careers, explore how students can start preparing for their future now, and discuss

opportunities for training after high school. Stay tuned for more information!

Attendance Matters: Regular school attendance is essential for academic success! If a

student misses just two days of school each month, they will miss more than a full year

of education by the time they graduate.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


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