Mt. Pleasant Elementary School 

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Mt. Pleasant Elementary School will follow the parental policy guidelines listed below.  The School will distribute this policy to parents and students participating in the Title 1 program. The school community council will update this policy annually.  Parents will receive a copy of this policy at the annual Title 1 meeting combined with the Back to School Night at the first of every school year. This policy is posted on the school webpage.

Policy Guidelines

Mt. Pleasant Elementary will do the following:

  • Convene an annual meeting (Back to School Night, or other opportunity)
  • Explain the requirements and the rights of the parents to be involved in their child’s education in our School Improvement Plan and in the disclosure statements sent home
  • Encourage parents to become involved and communicate with the School Community Council
  • Offer a schedule of meetings so more parents might attend (notice on the front doors, listed on the school calendar, posted on the school website)
  • Involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way to plan, review and recommend improvements to school-wide policies and practices 
  • Communicate regularly with parents of students to provide the following:
  • Timely information 
  • Description and explanation of curriculum to be used 
  • Proficiency levels that students are expected to meet 
  • Opportunities for decision-making related to the education of their children 
  • Provide materials and training on how parents can improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy and math ideas 
  • Educate school staff on how to build ties between home and school 
  • Coordinating and integrating, as appropriate, parent involvement with local programs such as Head Start, North Sanpete District Preschool, and other  local preschools that children attend in our city
  • Ensuring, to the extent possible, that information sent home is in a language that parents can understand 
  • Respond to any parent suggestions as soon as feasibly possible
  • Provide parents with a copy of the Mt. Pleasant Elementary School-Parent Compact in the student handbook, which is a written agreement of what the school and parents are supposed to do to help students achieve
  • Provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement at parents’ request
  • Parents will be notified about attendance


  • Read and understand the class disclosure statement and school registration policy packet
  • Parents will help their child master the essential skills that teachers have discussed at the Back to School night
  • Ensure that children attend school unless they are sick
  • Read 20 minutes to or with each of their children every day as well as monitor student homework, sign homework sheet, and ensure it is returned to school
  • Help student pass off their basic math facts as given by their teachers 
  • Check with child, classroom teacher, and Power School to see that assignments are being completed in a timely manner and that students are mastering skills 
  • Attend Parent Teacher Conferences
  • Help children have a positive attitude about learning
  • Make sure that children are to school on time, fed (or eat school breakfast), well rested and ready to learn
  • Monitor their child’s dress in compliance with School District Dress Code
  • Contact teachers if they have concerns or questions


  • Be ready to learn by being rested, dressed properly, and have a good attitude 
  • Listen carefully to instruction
  • Ask for help and clarification when it is needed
  • Be accountable for his/her own success
  • Take responsibility to have needed materials (paper, pencils, books, etc.), do best work, complete work, and turn work in on time
  • Know and follow the school rules (Be respectful, Be positive, Be safe, Be responsible)
  • Be respectful to teachers, staff, and other students
  • Take good care of personal and school materials
  • Read 20 minutes and complete homework each night
  • Work on math facts
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